Olive SkillLibrary
Boost your training with the industry’s best eLearning content. Choose from Olive’s high-quality off-the-shelf courses and train your learners in no time.

Ready-made courses at your fingertips
A collection of 500+ readily available unique courses, authored by industry experts, to upskill your team for being work-ready. Deliver your training on track with Olive’s SkillLibrary.
Design and develop your own content with Olive’s content experts
Initial Analysis & Consultation
For us to fully understand your existing training set-up, learners and goals. This helps us to get a great headstart.
Storyboard & Multimedia Development
Mapping out the journey, key milestones and desired outcomes of your learners. Then, creating text, audio, video and simulations as needed to deliver a rich learning experience.
The Learning Platform
With our best training platforms – Mykademy and MyConnect to deliver your eLearning courses and train your people with ease.
Quality Check
A thorough QC of the product will be done and delivered. We will handhold you throughout to ensure that you’re happy and the result is what you expect.
Training & Support
We make eLearning easy and fun to use, but we offer full training to ensure you get the best out of it. We are on hand for ongoing support whenever needed.
Helping you to generate and understand learner data, in order to improve the content and its mode of delivery.
The XR Experience
Open up new worlds for your learners, our team of experts can guide you in your first steps using AR & VR to deliver new immersive learning experiences. Adopt immersive technologies that leave a deep impression on your learners.

The #1 training platform trusted by the best educators.